Posts tagged tips for educators
Be Kind (to Yourself), Unwind!
EdtechTamara Fykekindness, SEL, social-emotional learning, virtuallearning, pandemic, face-to-face learning, education, tips for educators, connections, tips for families, children, family, community
Take Good Care
From The HeartTamara Fykecare, selfawareness, SEL, social-emotional learning, pandemic, school, uncertainty, homeschool, mental health, selfexpression, beingpresent, regulatingemotions, parentingobstacles, journaling, tips for educators, tips for families, tips for teaching self-awareness
#SELChat: Closing Out 2020 With Courage, Positivity & Perseverance
SELChatTamara FykeSEL, social-emotional learning, school, presidential election, uncertainty, holiday, celebrations, courage, perseverance, fear, love, choosing love, optimist, opportunity, tips for educators, tips for families, relationships
Scientifically Speaking: We Can Safely and Successfully Educate Students During the Pandemic
#SELChat: A Path to Self-Awareness and 5 Tips for Kids
SELChatTamara FykeSEL, social-emotional learning, selfawareness, tips for families, tips for educators, pandemic, covid, anxiety, mental health, painter, selfexpression, theartistsway, journaling, play, emotions, regulatingemotions, breathe, tips for students
Helping Our Children Grow Through the Current Racial Protests
SELChatTamara FykeSEL, social-emotional learning, racial protests, race, injustice, diversity, bi-racial, Nashville, Black Lives Matter, tips for families, tips for educators, connection, relationships, encouragement
Three Strategies for Using Technology to Support Social-Emotional Skill Development
#SELChat: Recognizing Trauma’s Many Faces
What If My Child Is The Bully?
From The HeartTamara Fykeconflict, connections, SEL, social-emotional learning, bullying, tips for educators, tips for families, understand, struggles, kindness, parent-childrelationships, model, restored